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Class Descriptions 2016 (Jan - Jun)


Street Mixed Martial Arts (Tuesday & Wednesday nights from 7:00pm - 8:00pm)

Hand-to-hand fighting is the oldest form of martial arts known to man. Special training methodologies were developed to ensure the transfer of gross motor skills in a very short space of time to enhance your survivability. Military Combatives©  Street MMA training is a concept-based, rather then technique-based system; as physical fitness and dexterity alone will not help you avoid an attack. Military Combatives© Street MMA has formulated concepts and strategies from different Martial Art systems around the world. These concepts, skills and techniques have been tried and proven on todays modern battlefields - simply put, they work!


Kickboxing (Monday from 6:30pm to 7:30pm)

Kickboxing is practiced for self-defense, general fitness, or as a contact sport. The cardio-conditioning element of kickboxing is one of the most effective ways to burn fat—especially that stubborn belly fat that's associated with an increased risk of heart disease, diabetes and some types of cancer. Sport kickboxing and cardio kickboxing are both physically demanding and will increase your fitness rapidly.


Tabata (Wednesday nights from 5:30pm - 6:30pm)

A Tabata is a high-intensity workout protocol that has fitness and weight-loss benefits. It is also a very short workout. Is it like CrossFit? Is it like circuit training? It is a bit of both. Tabata training is attractive because it saves a lot of time for people. It offers the maximum benefit with the least amount of time used to get those results. Tabata training will raise your metabolism and heart rate immediately. Since you are performing these exercises at a very high intensity, your body will have to work much harder to keep it up. This will cause your heart to pump fast and your metabolism to jump, which you want if you are planning on losing fat. Your metabolism will stay at that high not only during the workout, but after the workout as well. Generally 20-40 minutes in duration.


Circuits (Monday 5:30pm to 6:30pm)

Circuit training is an excellent way to improve mobility, strength and stamina. The circuit training comprises of 6 to 10 exercises that are completed one exercise after another. Each exercise is performed for a specified number of repetitions or for a set time before moving on to the next exercise. The exercises within each circuit are separated by a short rest period, and each circuit is separated by a longer rest period. The total number of circuits performed during a training session may vary from two to six depending on what the session objective is: strength, stamina or cardio.


Warrior XFit (Tuesday 6:30pm to 7:00pm)

WARRIOR   XFIT© is a unique and addictive full-body 30 minute workout that enhances your fitness and fat burning by incorporating features and elements from Martial Arts, Self Defence and High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)principles. It has been developed by an ex-Military Self Defence Instructor and Martial Artist with over 32 years experience. WARRIOR  XFIT© is a non-contact, non-combative fitness session suitable for all ages and fitness levels.


Strength & Conditioning (Tuesday & Thursday 5:30pm to 6:30pm)

There are three main reasons why you should consider Strength & Conditioning (SC) training. Firstly S&C training uses big compound movements that elicit greater physiological demands on your body. Many of these movements complement other exercises in the gym. For example Jerry can Carry can cross over to dead lifts whereas as pusing a vehicle can carry over into squats. Not only will these movements get you strong and powerful quickly, they will also push you outside your comfort zone and challenge you both physically and mentally. Secondly, our SC training also creates one of the most effective hormonal responses in your body for rapid fat loss and not only that, it is a highly effective conditioning tool for novice to elite athletes. Thirdly - its fun :) What do we train in?

* Bench Press

* Squat

* Deadlift

* Shoulder Press

* Sandbag Carries

* Car Push

* Tyre Flips

* Tyre Pulls

* Weighted Pulley System

* Firemans Carry

* Tug of War

* Jerry Can Carries

* Stretcher Carries

* Dead Man Drag

* Plate Hold


Functional Fitness that will carry over to your every day life and job.


These are the physical fitness activities i was taught and later went on to teach whilst in the Army.


Fight Club - Sparring (Thursday 7:00pm to 8:00pm)

High quality sparring is the best method to train and develop proficiency in any fighting art of self defence. Sparring is “practice fighting” with the aim of training skills and fitness, not to determine a winner.

It should be understood that the beginner’s training routine will likely consist of learning how to shadowbox, hit the heavy bag, as well as working out with focus mitts. Only when the individual’s skills have progressed to an adequate level, will the training include an occasional practice bout or sparring session.




Class Descriptions 2016 (Jul - Dec) Coming Soon


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